Tag: Lurie Garden

Garden Updates: Hellebores, Crocuses, Lurie Garden, And More

It is now officially spring, snow has melted, buds are budding, and it seems like a good time for an overview of recent developments. So most of the garden still looks like this, but there are green bits emerging and even a few flowers.

Uncertain Future for Lurie Garden?

Red Poppies Lurie Garden

Last week Judy had to go downtown to get her second COVID shot (yay!) and while there decided to visit the Lurie Garden. What she found was a bit concerning, especially when combined with other developments at Lurie over the past several months. It appeared that no attempt had been made to start the spring …

New Lurie Garden Interactive Map!!!

The Lurie Garden now has an incredibly cool interactive map on their website! If this does not thrill you to your very core, then I pity your torpid soul. I learned about the map from reading a post, The Challenges and Rewards of Mapping the Natural Garden, on the Lurie Garden website. The post was …

The Lurie Garden in December

Yesterday Judy got downtown and had a long-delayed reunion with the Lurie Garden. She was enchanted with its winter splendor, and took lots of photos with her phone.

Lurie Garden’s Bulb Bonanza

On a recent Saturday, I spent the morning planting bulbs at Lurie Garden along with other volunteers and staff. This was the beginning of a massive effort to revitalize LG’s spring flower display through planting 61,000 bulbs.

Not Too Soon to Order Bulbs for Fall Planting

Sure it’s the middle of August, but now is when you want to think about planting bulbs in the fall. Online retailers are ready to take your order. I know because I just gave mine.

Plant Combinations for Part Shade

Recently the staff at the Lurie Garden made some interesting changes to the Dark Plate, which is the partly shaded area east of the boardwalk. The Dark Plate tends to play second fiddle to the larger Light Plate that basks in full sun.

The Lurie Garden: After the River

The River of Salvia is an annual high point for Chicago’s Lurie Garden. This year, though, by the time I was able to visit the river had started to dry up, with most of the Salvias no longer in bloom. But even after the river peaked, there was plenty of excitement at the Lurie Garden …

A Lurie Garden Bulb Walk

Yesterday we were lucky enough to go on a tour of Lurie Garden’s spring bulb display with Jacqueline van der Kloet, who designed Lurie’s original bulb plantings in 2006. She’s in Chicago now to update those plantings, and will return in October to oversee the planting of thousands of new bulbs.

Night of the Living Mulch

So a little while back I came across this 2017 Washington Post article about using sedges (Carex) as a substitute for mulch.