Tag: Wild Columbine

Wild Columbine Keeps Me Guessing

A few days ago I got a delivery of 3 Wild Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis) from Bluestone Perennials. This was a fine thing, as I love Wild Columbine. However, I couldn’t remember making this order, nor could I remember where I had intended to put the plants. But I was not about to look some gift …

Winter Kill

This might seem a little late for a post on plants lost to our last winter (an extraordinarily severe one). But sometimes you need more time to be really sure of your losses.

Jack’s in His Pulpit, All’s Well With the World

The last week of May is generally the busiest week of the year in my job. This year the last week of May effectively lasted until June 2nd, which is why I didn’t get home until this afternoon (after being away since last Sunday). I’m rather overwhelmed by all that’s going on in the garden, …

A Fern Foundation

Somewhere it is written that foundation plantings must be evergreen shrubs (Yews, Boxwood, and the like). and that these shrubs must be clipped into geometric shapes. Judy and I, however, have defied this commandment and have come up with a different sort of foundation planting: Ostrich Ferns (Matteuccia struthiopteris) and allied perennials. I would also …

Some Garden Highlights of 2018, January to May

As I recall, winter was in no hurry to depart this year, and spring was tardy in arriving.

Back And Sides

Most of the horticultural drama around here is in the front garden. But we shouldn’t forget that on either side of the house there are narrow strips within our property lines. And then there’s the back garden. Let’s take a look at what’s going on in those relatively neglected areas.

Spring Slowly Gains Momentum

Spring around here has not had its breakthrough moment, but it is making progress. This past weekend there was still a distinct chill in the air, but at least the sun was out. (Please note that I took today’s photos, so they are not up to our usual standard).

6 Flowers That Rabbits Don’t Like To Eat

In honor of Easter, I want to talk about rabbits.

Favorite Flowers of 2017

It’s New Year’s Day, and I’m sitting on our back porch looking out on the garden, which is in a state of deep freeze. Now seems like a good time to think about the flowers that made me happiest over the year that just passed.

Thoughts About Wild Columbine

The Wild Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis) is at its peak in our garden right now. Judy took some pictures on Sunday that are much better than the ones I took and used in my Bloom Day post. So mostly I just wanted an excuse to show Judy’s Columbine pictures.