Tag: Serviceberry

Thanks for the New Tree, Neighbors!

When neighbors plant a new tree on their side of the property line, it feels to me like I’ve got a new tree of my very own. In this case the tree is a Yoshino Cherry (Prunus x yedoensis), and its first season of profuse bloom is happening right now.

That Gnawing Feeling


So before I write about spring cleanup in the garden, which is going pretty well, I have to touch on an unpleasant subject. Namely, my failure to protect all my woody plants from girdling.

Fall Foliage Update

Somehow, it’s almost the end of October. Yesterday Judy and I decided to walk through the neighborhood to inspect the state of fall foliage. Color continues to settle in, though tardily and somewhat unevenly.

Before the Storm

So we got back from Tennessee on Friday afternoon, and the garden welcomed us back with a fabulous show. However, the weather gods were preparing a more malicious welcome, namely the 3-5″ of snow predicted for the following day.

Lilacs And Other Flowering Shrubs Of May

There are certain shrubs and small trees whose flowers symbolize the peak of spring.

June Berries

We think of fall as the season of fruitfulness, but there are a number of plants bearing ripe fruits in June. These are the plants displaying attractive fruits right now in our garden.

Let Me Tell You ’bout the Buds and the Leaves …

In early spring I spend a lot of time staring at the ground. Of course, I’m looking for the first flowers. But I’m also looking for the new foliage that proves a plant has broken out of winter dormancy.

Spring Whites

The weather has just taken a wintery turn here in Chicago. Arctic air has buckled southward, bringing cold and modest snowfall. For the moment there is a blanket of white that covers the ground. Snow provoked thoughts of white flowers, and how it shouldn’t be too long before they would brighten the garden. Considering white …

A Slow Fall

Autumn this year has not been very autumnal. From childhood I associate fall with a raw chill and leafy puddles. This year, however, has been unusually dry and warm, conditions associated with more modest seasonal color. There is still some color to be seen, though.

Tulip Season Begins

Today I am a happy man, for the tulip season has begun in earnest in our garden. What, you say, tulip season in the middle of April? Yes, indeed. First, Tulipa kaufmanniana ‘Early Harvest’ has come into its own, blooming in both beds and containers. The no neck phase was just a period of awkward …