Tag: Tulip ‘Princess Irene’

Tulip Troubles

Maybe the title is a little misleading. It’s not that we don’t have a bunch of beautiful tulips. It’s just that we don’t have as many as I feel we ought to have.

A Little Red Tulip

Sure there are lots of red tulips to choose from, but here are four reasons you may want to plant the species Tulip, Tulipa praestans.

Parade of Tulips

We’ve hit the high point of Tulip season in our garden.


The spring floral parade marches on, abetted by the seasonally mild weather of the last few days.

More Fall Planting

Oh, I ache. My back aches. My thighs ache. Even my fingers ache. Even so, I have an undeniable feeling of accomplishment, having planted approximately 370 bulbs in our garden this weekend. Just 30 to go.

Not Too Soon to Order Bulbs for Fall Planting

Sure it’s the middle of August, but now is when you want to think about planting bulbs in the fall. Online retailers are ready to take your order. I know because I just gave mine.

The Early Bird Catches the Bulb

Last week I placed my order for fall bulbs from John Scheeper’s. Normally I order bulbs right around Labor Day, so I was about a month later than usual. But it’s been a busy fall.

Container Tulips Report 2018

My fellow gardeners, the state of  the container Tulips this year has been: AWESOME. And people who know me will tell you that I never use that word.

Weather Whiplash In The Garden

In several recent posts I have discussed the glacial (pun intended) pace of spring this past April. On Tuesday and Wednesday, though, temperatures suddenly jumped up to the upper 80s (about 30 degrees Celsius for you foreign types). On Monday morning, it was in the 40s and spring was just sitting in the corner, timidly …

Favorite Flowers of 2017

It’s New Year’s Day, and I’m sitting on our back porch looking out on the garden, which is in a state of deep freeze. Now seems like a good time to think about the flowers that made me happiest over the year that just passed.