Flowers for shade, especially perennials, are usually associated with springtime, before the leaf canopy fills in and blocks most of the sunlight.  We do have a few summer blooms in our shady back garden, though.

So before I write about spring cleanup in the garden, which is going pretty well, I have to touch on an unpleasant subject. Namely, my failure to protect all my woody plants from girdling.

Winter Kill

This might seem a little late for a post on plants lost to our last winter (an extraordinarily severe one). But sometimes you need more time to be really sure of your losses.

Reminders of Brighter Days

Today is the last day of September, which means that no matter how many lawyers you hire to argue otherwise, autumn has truly begun. It’s simply undeniable. And yet, should we want to deny it, there are certain plants that stand ready to back us up in our denial. These are the plants that, once …

Saying Goodbye to the Garden

It’s hard to leave the garden when you’re going away for a long trip. Judy and I are heading to Japan tomorrow and we’ll be staying there for a couple of weeks. (It’s another vacation piggybacked on Judy’s business trip.) I can’t stop thinking of everything I’ll miss while we’re gone. So I spent much …

Wild Rose of the Prairie

The shrub roses ‘Cassie’ and ‘Sally Holmes’ are past their prime, but Prairie Rose (Rosa setigera) is just coming into its own. This is a wild rose that is native to much of the eastern half of the USA.

My Two Favorite Roses

My two favorite roses are blooming right now. ‘Cassie’ and ‘Sally Holmes’ are both shrub roses with fragrant white flowers. In our garden, they both keep their foliage disease free without sprays of any kind.  

October Bloom Day

It’s been a fairly warm autumn so far. Leaves are slow to color, flowers to fade. Though they certainly are fading.

September Bloom Day: Not Quite Fall

September is a transitional month. Summer fades away as fall creeps in. Let’s see what’s in bloom at the mid-point of this ninth month of the year.

Rose Report 2016

June is the month of roses at Garden in a City. Most notably, the shrub rose ‘Sally Holmes’ is having far and away her best year ever in the back garden. I have never seen her with so many flowers. I’m not sure why. Perhaps it’s because I used chicken wire to keep the rabbits …