Tag: Spring flowers

The Tulip From Turkestan

After Tulipa kaufmanniana ‘Early Harvest’, the first Tulip to bloom in our garden is T. turkestanica. T. turkestanica is a wild or Species Tulip, whose native range covers rocky hillsides and river valleys extending from Iran through Central Asia and into China’s Uighur region – the origin land of many Tulips. T. kaufmanniana also started …

Keep Your Grubby Rabbit Paws Off My Virginia Bluebells

A couple of years ago the rabbits in our garden discovered that they had a yen for our Virginia Bluebells (Mertensia virginica). This was more than a little upsetting, as Virginia Bluebells are probably my favorite native spring ephemeral.

One-Day Heat Wave and a Baby Bunny

On Monday it reached into the low 70s (F), constituting a one-day heat wave, at least in the context of early April in Chicago, especially for a cool spring like the one we are having.

The Lurie Garden in May (2018)

I don’t get to Lurie Garden much in April and May, because I’m constantly out of town. Fortunately, before leaving Chicago on Monday I was able to visit for about an hour. It was time well-spent!

Spring Slowly Gains Momentum

Spring around here has not had its breakthrough moment, but it is making progress. This past weekend there was still a distinct chill in the air, but at least the sun was out. (Please note that I took today’s photos, so they are not up to our usual standard).

Bluebells and Bleeding Hearts

Virginia Bluebells (Mertensia virginica) and Old-Fashioned Bleeding Hearts (Lamprocapnos spectabilis) are among the most endearing blooms of spring.

April Wildflowers of Shenandoah National Park

So I never did tell you about the time Judy and I motored down the Skyline Drive in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains, did I? This was back in late April, after visiting friends near Baltimore and then Tammy of Casa Mariposa in northern Virginia.

Springtime Blues That Transcend Falsehood And Achieve Greatness

When I speak of the springtime blues, I do not refer to a feeling of melancholy. Rather I mean the blue flowers that bloom in early to mid-spring. I am always cheered by these, as blue is one of my favorite flower colors. Perhaps the Queen of the blue flowers in this season are the …

The Snowdrops Arrive!

For the last two years I’ve had nothing to show for the March Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day, hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens. This year, though, is different. For that, I am grateful to the Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis and G. elwesii) in my back garden. Thank you, Snowdrops! In both 2013 and 2014, our …

Real Men Plant Pansies

It is right and proper at this time to pay our respects to the pansy (Viola x wittrochiana). Actually, I am about to pull all the pansies out of my containers and replace them with summer annuals, but I will throw them onto the compost pile with only the sincerest regard. Any annual that can …