Tag: Siberian Squill

Glory-of-the-Snow: More Blue Blooms for Early Spring

When we put in the new driveway the narrow strip of lawn bordering the Left Bank Bed became even narrower. So naturally, I decided to dig it up. The new garden space was filled, among other things, with Glory-of-the-Snow (Scilla forbesii, formerly Chionodoxa forbesii).

One-Day Heat Wave and a Baby Bunny

On Monday it reached into the low 70s (F), constituting a one-day heat wave, at least in the context of early April in Chicago, especially for a cool spring like the one we are having.

Bulb Patrol

Now that the Snowdrops are done, I’ve been spending a good deal of time inspecting the progress of all the other bulbs. While it’s still early spring hereabouts, there are a few blooms out there.

Spring Slowly Gains Momentum

Spring around here has not had its breakthrough moment, but it is making progress. This past weekend there was still a distinct chill in the air, but at least the sun was out. (Please note that I took today’s photos, so they are not up to our usual standard).

April Bloom Day

Happy Bloom Day! This is the first Bloom Day of the year I’m participating in, for the simple reason that it’s the first one where I have any blooms.


Slowly but surely, spring is starting to feel like Spring. We had rain pretty much all weekend, but I was able to sneak out during a break in the precipitation to take some photos in the garden.

Signs of Life in the Garden

March has been such a tease. February was so mild I began to suspect that Chicago had been magically transported to a more southern latitude, but then March brought us back to reality with a snowstorm. Then the snow melted. However, every time I was tempted to feel a little comfort and joy in the …

Mid-April Blooms

April had a rather wild mood swing during this past weekend. We transitioned abruptly from cold and surly to sunny warmth. Plants went from shivering in their foliage to galloping forward to catch up with the growing season.

Let Me Tell You ’bout the Buds and the Leaves …

In early spring I spend a lot of time staring at the ground. Of course, I’m looking for the first flowers. But I’m also looking for the new foliage that proves a plant has broken out of winter dormancy.

Springtime Blues That Transcend Falsehood And Achieve Greatness

When I speak of the springtime blues, I do not refer to a feeling of melancholy. Rather I mean the blue flowers that bloom in early to mid-spring. I am always cheered by these, as blue is one of my favorite flower colors. Perhaps the Queen of the blue flowers in this season are the …