Tag: ‘Italian White’ Sunflower

Ordering Seeds Part 2 – Annuals For Mixed Borders

I used to fill my borders with perennials only, but then I discovered Mexican Sunflowers (Tithonia rotundifolia). And I realized: why wouldn’t you mix annuals with the perennials? They add so much color over such a long period.

So Many Aster Blooms!

If you walk in front of our house these days you’re likely to be impressed by the masses of Aster flowers, most notably those of Short’s Aster (Symphyotrichum shortii). Short’s Aster is a particularly floriferous Aster, sporting clouds of light blue flowers with golden centers. Honestly, I don’t understand why this particular Aster isn’t more …

Early October Blooms

October is generally the last month for blooms. This year I think the unusually warm September prematurely wore out some of our fall flowers. Even so, let’s amble around the garden and see what we’ve got.

That’s Where the Tall Plants Grow

I have a lot of admiration for writer and landscape designer Benjamin Vogt. His blog, newsletter, and other writings make very useful reading for anyone interested in the intersection between gardening and ecology.

Riding August’s Yellow Wave

At a certain point in August, the garden is swept up in a wave of yellow flowers. This is largely due to what I like to call the Susans, members of the genus Rudbeckia.

Blooms of the Left Bank

The Left Bank is what I call the part of our garden that sits west of the driveway. It consists of 4 parts: 1) The Lamppost Bed in the parkway; 2) the Crabapple Bed under the dripline (more or less) of the the ‘Donald Wyman’ Crabapple; 3) the area between the Crabapple Bed and the …

The Front Garden on August 1

August is normally summer’s turning point. It is usually an August day when you realize that there are more flowers fading than coming into bloom. Though this year has been a little different, with the blooms of a number of plants delayed for weeks. Let’s take a look at the state of the Front Garden …

A Good Year for Crabapples, and Other News

This has been an exceptionally good year for our ‘Donald Wyman’ Crabapple, which stands in what I call the Left Bank of the Front Garden. These days it is just smothered in blossoms.

Seed Starting Developments

Well, the seed starting is coming along nicely, not withstanding one unfortunate mishap.  

My Seeds Have Arrived!

For the first time ever, I’m starting some tender annuals inside this year. As of now the letter carrier has delivered them all to our home from Johnny’s Selected Seeds and Burpee. (I like the name Burpee. You’ve got to admit it’s a funny name.)