Tag: Crocus

Garden Updates: Hellebores, Crocuses, Lurie Garden, And More

It is now officially spring, snow has melted, buds are budding, and it seems like a good time for an overview of recent developments. So most of the garden still looks like this, but there are green bits emerging and even a few flowers.

New Trellis Installed!

We put up our new trellises the other day, and I’m pretty happy with them. These were the 9′ Panacea Giant Wall Trellises I wrote about earlier. They’re certainly a big improvement.

Peak Snowdrops to First Crocus

This is the closest I’ve felt to being grounded since I was about 15 years old. Any suggestion that I might head out into the wider world runs into intense spousal opposition. However, I can always go into the garden. Even when it’s too wet or cold to do any actual gardening, there is still …

Marching One By One

Spring’s progress this last week reminds me of that song The Ants Go Marching. Like a lot of people, I want spring to burst forth with great masses of colorful flowers. But so far, the flowers have been marching in one by one, more or less.

Slow Spring Movement

You’ve heard of the slow food movement, right? We seem to be living through a slow spring movement. Don’t be anxious for all those spring flowers, the weather is telling us. Be in the moment – savor the season day by day. Most years, the slow spring movement lasts only as long as there isn’t …

A Single Amaryllis

That’s all we’ve got so far in terms of indoor winter blooms. And I can’t even tell you what variety it is, because I lost the tag. I do think it’s a pretty nice one, though. I bought for Judy’s Christmas stocking, though it was actually too large to fit. The flower color is a …

Some Garden Highlights of 2018, January to May

As I recall, winter was in no hurry to depart this year, and spring was tardy in arriving.

Moving the Tulip Pots into the Garage

After the snow, came the rain. Day after consecutive day of rain. Eventually, the snow was washed away. Today the rain stopped, and I took advantage of the break to move the Tulip pots into the garage. Why move them into the garage, you may ask. Really it’s to limit the amount of moisture that …

Forcing Crocus for Winter Blooms

So I planted the last of the new Tulip bulbs in their pots. But then last year’s bulbs were sitting in a bucket and demanding, “What about us?”

Crocuses On Ice

Despite what I wrote in my last post, not all the Crocuses have been eaten by rabbits. But given the weather forecast, I worry that if the survivors aren’t eaten by rabbits, they may be spoiled by the cold.