Tag: Daylilies

A Tour Of The Front Garden In Early July

Happy 4th of July. July is when things start to pop in the garden after the June lull, so I thought this might be a good time to provide a tour or overview of where things are right now.

Daylilies and Wild Petunia

I went through a Daylily (Hemerocallis sp. and cvs.) phase for a year or two, then lost interest. This says more about me than it does about Daylilies – I go through frequent periods of enthusiasm for a particular species or genus of plant. In most cases the enthusiasm fades, but leaves behind a few …

Lilies and Daylilies

People walking past our front garden these days will be treated to the seductive sweet fragrance of our OT hybrid ‘Conca d’Or’ Lilies.

Blooms of Mid-July, Part 2

Following up on the last post, here’s a run down of the blooms in the rest of the garden: the Left Bank (the smaller part of the front garden that lies west of the driveway) and the shady back garden.

The Scarlet Flower

It’s a grey day, one of a long line of grey days, and I am feeling color deprived. So I thought: why not write about some favorite flowers by color? Readers of this blog know that my favorite colors in the garden are orange and blue. However, I’ve already written about orange and blue flowers. …

Last Daylilies of the Summer

One pernicious thing about August is that it is the gateway month for autumn. Not that I don’t enjoy autumn, I do. It’s just that summer never seems quite long enough. In August the flowers of mid-summer come sputtering to a halt. Daylilies (Hemerocallis), for example. Right now, just two of my Dayliies are still …

These are the Gardens in Your Neighborhood (Veronica’s Garden)

Judy and I have done a lot of traveling to visit gardens in other states and even other countries. But it is worth remembering that there are unique and remarkable gardens literally right around the corner. One such surrounds a small, single-story brick bungalow on a busy street about three blocks from our house. I …

Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: July, 2015

Finally! Our wet, cooler weather has delayed some of the excitement of summer in the garden, but as of today things are moving along. Just yesterday the ‘Eye-yi-yi’ Daylilies (Hemorocallis) in the Driveway Border started bursting into bloom. Here they are with Butterflyweed (Asclepias tuberosa). Too much orange? Have I mentioned I really like orange …

Garden Catalog Review: Klehm’s Song Sparrow Farm and Nursery

Klehm’s Song Sparrow Farm began in 1852 as a nursery for fruit trees, and has been in the same family ever since. Charles Klehm, a lover of peonies and charter member of the American Peony Society (founded 1903), shifted the emphasis to ornamental plants. Their website is here. Klehm’s, currently located in southern Wisconsin, offers …

Blooms in August

Once again it is time for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day (GBBD), hosted by May Dreams Gardens. GBBD provides a mid-month opportunity to count up our flowering plants like a latter day pirate counting his treasures. So put on your eyepatch, and let’s go. The Driveway Border is the most colorful of all the front garden …