Happy 4th of July. July is when things start to pop in the garden after the June lull, so I thought this might be a good time to provide a tour or overview of where things are right now.

Here’s a view from the street. That’s a ‘Mary Todd’ Daylily blooming in the Parkway Bed. Otherwise this bed is full of green plants that bloomed in spring or will bloom later in summer or fall.

And here’s the view from the Sidewalk. The only real masses of color right now are the ‘Raspberry Wine’ Bee Balm (Monarda didyma) and the ‘Jackmanii’ Clematis, which is past its peak but still has plenty of blooms. The ‘Raspberry Wine’ is blooming in the Sidewalk Border only, but there are other Monarda species/cultivars elsewhere that have yet to bloom. But just wait, there’s lots more color coming.

Here’s a view from the street at the other end of the Parkway Border. The front yard is about 95% dug up for beds and borders. There is a grass path 2-3′ wide that separates the Driveway Border, the Sidewalk Border, and Front Island Bed. The path keeps getting narrower as I cram in more plants.

I try to keep the Asters and Rudbeckias in the Parkway Border cut fairly low. Fortunately they respond well to being cut back. Similarly, I try to keep the Sidewalk Border from getting overgrown right along the sidewalk. Also, I line both sides with brick to signal that this is a garden, not an overgrown weed patch.

Here’s the Driveway Border, seen from the sidewalk. Those little pops of magenta, if you can see them, are Wine Cups (Callirhoe bushii).

The view from the front door.

There’s also ‘Eye-yi-yi’ Daylilies, probably my favorite variety. The Daylilies in the garden are just getting started.

Closer to the house, but harder to see from the street, ‘Betty Corning’ Clematis is adorned with its last blooms. And along the edge of the Driveway Border, mostly self-sown Hoary Vervain (a plant that desperately needs a new common name) (Verbena stricta) is starting to bloom.

Here’s the Lamppost Bed, providing a closer look at the Wine Cups.

This is the bed on the other side of the Driveway, which I call either the Left Bank Bed or the Crabapple Bed, seen from the neighbors’ lawn. There’s some more Daylilies and at the far end a patch of Butterflyweed (Asclepias tuberosa).

Butterflyweed and Daylilies.

Here’s the other side of the Left Bank Bed. The Alliums are done blooming, but the seed heads remain.

Looking across part of the Left Bank Bed to the other side of the driveway.

Before long masses of color will start emerging throughout the Front Garden. I’m thinking of making this sort of overview a regular feature every couple of weeks or so, at least into September. And the next post will be an overview of the Back Garden. In the meantime, stay safe and enjoy your holiday weekend if in the US, and if not – enjoy your summer.

64 Comments on “A Tour Of The Front Garden In Early July”

  1. I love how you have crammed as much beautiful plant life in as possible for your spaces Jason !
    I am a complete failure with Bee Balm which is a pity because I love the scent of it, however powdery mildew and poor blooming was a constant problem for me so I just had to throw the towel in.
    Yes ! I also have allium seed heads still going strong , I love their artys ? attitude in the gardens.
    Another yes to staggering blooming periods throughout the seasons .. it seems we are constantly setting up for the next headliner flowers, and that is nice !

  2. You and Judy must be thrilled with how gorgeous the beds are looking. That Monarda is lovely and the day lilies look full of promise for a long show. I don’t remember seeing your wine cups before. Nice. Looking forward to these updates.

  3. My limited success with Monarda ‘Peter’s Purple’ has made me wish I could grow more species . I planted one noID variety offered by my local garden center but thus far it’s done nothing (although it hasn’t died either). I wish I had half your success with alliums.

    Best wishes for a happy 4th!

  4. Your garden is a pleasure to look at from far off Australia. Everything is so green and colourful. The Raspberry Wine Bee Balm and Jackmanii Clematis looks lovely in the front garden and up against the house. I think an overview every few weeks would be very interesting.

    Happy Belated 4th July to you and Judy!

  5. Hello Jason, that’s a glorious front garden you have and it’s so jam-packed with plants. I’m worried the grass paths might turn into stepping stones and then just a “suggestion” of a way through that once was! The mixed heights of the plants works really well, as does the way they merge into the street and surrounding trees to give a borrowed landscape.

  6. I noticed those winecups right away; they look good in a garden. The allium seed heads caught my eye, too. They’re like floral fireworks (though much quieter). Personally, I’ve always thought ‘hoary vervain’ was a great name: very descriptive. It not only reminds me of hoarfrost, it’s a great term for leaves and stems (like that of the V. stricta) that have white hairs.

  7. This is great –such a good sense of how all the beds in the front garden fit together. Lovely plants. I have some of the raspberry wine bee balm and always think of them as firecracker flowers –I think because they do come out for the 4th of July. But I like shoreacres comment about the allium seed heads. For me, the raspberry wine are not as full this year –I think something is crowding them out a bit. Those wine cups are gorgeous little magenta bits of happiness. I look forward to more of these tours.

  8. This all looks so fabulous and so colourful, I wish my garden would just hurry up ! My Dahlias are just starting into flower, but its more of an occasional flower at the moment, lets hope July brings vast quantities of sunshine and flower colour to my garden in the UK.

  9. Raspberry wine, now that’s a nice name for a plant, and a lovely plant, big impact as you have planted en masse – do they spread / self seed? I like day lilies too, they do well for me and I think their foliage is a real asset, and thank heavens the slugs leave them alone (we are having an awful time with the slimy creatures this summer). All looking lovely and lush.

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