Tag: Shade Gardening

A Tour Of The Back Garden In Early July

So now let’s take the overview of the garden to the back of the house. A flagstone path leads to the Back Garden.

Let Us Now Praise Golden Ragwort

In the spring of 2019 I planted 5 plugs of Golden Groundsel (Packera aurea, also known by the less appealing common name of Golden Ragwort) in our shady Back Garden. Some two years later, Judy and I are happy with the results.

More Bowman’s Root, Please

Last fall I purchased 2 Bowman’s Root (Porteranthus trifoliatus or Gillenia trifoliata, depending on who  you ask), after seeing them massed beautifully outside Lurie Garden. Though it’s been less than a year, I’ve made up my mind: I definitely want more.

Goat’s Beard or Bride’s Feathers?

How is it that the 2 leading common names of Aruncus dioicus are Goat’s Beard and Bride’s Feathers? Apparently plants can be a sort of Rorschach test, reflecting great variations in perception within the human psyche.

Adventures in Foundation Planting

When we moved into our current house, the front foundation planting consisted of clipped Japanese Yews (Taxus cuspidata). One of the first things I did was cut down the Yews and replace them with a planting of Ostrich Ferns (Matteuccia struthiopteris) and various shade perennials.

Peg Bier’s Shade Garden, With a Special Emphasis on Chickens

Not live chickens, metal chickens. But I’m getting ahead of myself. We’re going back to another garden we visited during the Garden Bloggers Fling in the DC area.

Garden Splendor in Sun and Shade

So another suburban DC garden we visited on the second day of the Fling was that of garden designer Debbie Friedman. I found this garden interesting in part because, like mine, hers is sunny in front and with a good deal of shade in the back.

Pondside Gardens of Eden in Toronto

Three private homes in the Swansea neighborhood were the first gardens we saw in Toronto during the Garden Bloggers Fling. Swansea borders on the Humber River, Lake Superior (Correction: Lake Ontario – sheesh, for dumb), and High Park, one of Toronto’s largest and most popular parks. The first garden we saw made the biggest impression …

Who Wants Some Free Purple Milkweed Seeds? Limited Supply!

Purple Milkweed (Asclepias purpurescens) is an excellent garden milkweed that for some strange reason is difficult to find. What’s so unique about Purple Milkweed? First of all, it actually prefers part shade. It will grow in full sun, but will then need more moisture. Secondly, it is very polite, spreading only moderately by seed. Both …

‘Autumn Brilliance’ Indeed

Right now the showiest foliage in my yard is displayed by ‘Autumn Brilliance’ Serviceberry (Amelanchier x grandiflora ‘Autumn Brilliance’).  I have six of these upright, multi-stem shrubs in a couple different spots in my yard, and I consider them pretty much indispensible. There are few shrubs that are happy in shade that have as much to …