Tag: Purple Milkweed

Purple Milkweed is Back!

  You don’t see a lot if Purple Milkweed (Asclepias purpurascens) in gardens, not even in native plant gardens. For several years I doted on a small clump of it in the Back Garden Raised Bed. Feeling that the plant should be more widely grown, in 2014 I offered free seeds from my own plants …

Don’t Give Up On Monarch Butterflies

For about a week there’s been a single Monarch Butterfly flying around our garden, and paying particular attention to the Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata). After I got a fuzzy picture with my phone, Judy sat outside on the front steps waiting for the Monarch to appear so she could get these photos with her Nikon …

Who Wants Some Free Purple Milkweed Seeds? Limited Supply!

Purple Milkweed (Asclepias purpurescens) is an excellent garden milkweed that for some strange reason is difficult to find. What’s so unique about Purple Milkweed? First of all, it actually prefers part shade. It will grow in full sun, but will then need more moisture. Secondly, it is very polite, spreading only moderately by seed. Both …

Winners and Losers in the Battle of Dry Shade

My back garden raised bed has been something of a permanent work in progress. I was in my Raised Bed Period when I created it. Somewhere, I really can’t remember where, I had read about the virtues of raised beds. Over the next couple of years I created four of them in the garden. Anyway, …

Plant Milkweed, Before It’s Too Late! I Mean It!

I don’t want to put a damper on anybody’s holiday. The New York Times didn’t ask me if now would be the best time to run another article on efforts to halt the rapid decline of Monarch Butterflies. But they did run it today, and people should read it. Actually, the issue was presented in …