When neighbors plant a new tree on their side of the property line, it feels to me like I’ve got a new tree of my very own. In this case the tree is a Yoshino Cherry (Prunus x yedoensis), and its first season of profuse bloom is happening right now.

Yoshino Cherry flowers

Not that a Yoshino Cherry would have been my first choice. Gently I tried to steer my neighbors towards a small native flowering tree, but without avail. The Yoshinos are hybrid trees from Japan, all of them clones from the same specimen, or so I am told.

Yoshino Cherry right, Serviceberry left. Neighbor’s house at back.

Still, it would be churlish not to appreciate what the Yoshino Cherry has to offer. Its white flowers are lovely, and coincide with the flowering of our two ‘Autumn Brilliance’ Serviceberry (Amelanchier x grandiflora) that are right across the fence. The white blooms of all three trees make a pleasing sight.

Serviceberry 'Autumn Brilliance'
Serviceberry ‘Autumn Brilliance’ flowers

Also, I’m looking forward to the Yoshino Cherry’s small fruits (about 0.3″) that are supposed to be highly attractive to birds. Maybe we’ll be visited by Cedar Waxwings. But then the Robins and Cardinals are particularly fond of the Serviceberries that ripen in June.

I wonder if the Yoshino Cherry has anything to say to its wilder North American cousins the Chokecherries (Prunus virginiana ‘Schubertii’), which are within hailing distance over on our side of the fence. Is the cultural gap too wide, or does a distant common ancestry provide some basis for a relationship?

Clove Currant

Before closing, I must acknowledge the other woody plant blooming in our garden right now: the Clove Currant (Ribes odoratum). Planted right by the sidewalk, this shrub is entrancing dog walkers and strolling families alike with its incredible fragrance. Nudging it into a less awkward shape is an ongoing challenge, but one that is more than justified by the fabulous scent.

38 Comments on “Thanks for the New Tree, Neighbors!”

  1. How lovely to have the grouping of white. Better the cherry than your neighbor planting three fast growing maples along your southern lot line–thus blocking the sun from a third of your yard. I had never heard of the Rubus odoratus but I’ll definitely look into it.

  2. I couldn’t find your clove current on the USDA map, and finally discovered that it’s listed as Ribes aureum var. villosum, and Ribes odoratum is a synonym. It’s native in Texas, but barely. It shows up in the Panhandle, which is a good indication that it likes a colder climate. It might be in a dozen counties here; it’s more widespread in in Oklahoma, and it appears common in the middle-to-upper midwest.

  3. A lovely sight and I would give space to all of them… wind exposure is a constant here though, so I am still considering the options. I have never seen that Ribes here, but have recently planted a yellow one called Ribes aureum which is supposed to smell nice. Do the insects like your Clove currant too?

  4. It’s great to have neighbors who plant like you! That’s a gorgeous blooming tree, as is your Clove Current.
    My former neighbor had a Yaupon holly which seeded two volunteers who now grow happily in my garden. Thanks, indeed, neighbor!

  5. It’s a beauty! The white flowers evoke the fresh renewal of spring. And as Johnvic8 said, it’s not a Bradford Pear..

    My neighbor asked me for suggestions for replacements for their olive trees (olive trees grow far far too big for where they had been planted by the previous owner) and I suggested one of my very very favorites, Podocarpus ‘Monmal’, and they planted three right where I can see them once they grow a little more. What a deal!

    (They moved the olive trees to their back slope where there is plenty of room. They did not go to waste.).

  6. Enjoy your neighbour’s tree… much better then the eucalyptus tree our neighbour planted that grew so big, so quickly, it started to move and crack the footpath and then the road… what a relief when it was finally cut down!

  7. What a lovely tree! It’s so funny how we gardeners are so much more invested in what our neighbours plant vs. non-gardeners. My neighbour planted what looks like some sort of willow type shrub/tree a few feet away from a new perennial bed I’m working on – eeek! Knowing willows invasive root tendencies, it’s had me a bit anxious about how it’s going to impact my perennial bed. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it won’t become a big issue.

  8. Unless you pointed it out, I would have said all three trees (Amelanchiers and Cherry) were the same. You just now need to convince them to grow a clematis up it. Any tree standing still for long enough should get a climber thrown up it. Our ornamental cherry (the inherited one) is in full flower and it looks incredible.

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