How Do You Like Them Onions?

More specifically, Alliums – which is to say, ornamental onions.


Right now we have two types of Allium in bloom. There’s Allium ‘Globemaster’ seen above, in the Parkway Bed. ‘Globemaster’ is as tall as ever but the flowers have gotten a lot smaller, which is probably a sign that I need to dig up the bulbs and replant them. Initially, the flower clusters were about 8″, now they’re about half that. On the other hand, the flowers are more numerous, so the bulbs must be reproducing.

DSC_0030Then we have two patches of Allium aflatunense ‘Purple Sensation’. The first is on the north side of the Crabapple tree in the front garden.

DSC_0132‘Purple Sensation’ is about half the height of ‘Globemaster’. The flowers are smaller also, but still impressive.

DSC_0036The second and original patch of ‘Purple Sensation’ is in the back garden, growing on the east side of the hedge that separates our property from the neighbors’. These have thrived and multiplied greatly, despite growing in part shade.


Here’s another view of ‘Purple Sensation’ in the back garden. See our new birdhouse in the back?

Both of these Allium varieties will die back in summer so they need longer-lasting companions to hide the dying foliage. Judy is very partial to the seed heads that remain after the flowers have faded.


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