Tag: House Wrens

A Winter Cleaning for the Birdhouses

These days there are too few opportunities to go outside and putter in the garden, basically because the garden is frozen.

Some 2018 Garden Highlights: Summer Breeze

Today is New Year’s Day. While a patchy blanket of snow lies on the ground outside, it seems a good moment to look through some favorite photos of our garden in summer.

A New Wren Family in the Birdhouse

So we have more wren babies in one of our birdhouses, this time the blue one near the west hedge of the Back Garden. Earlier today Judy was watching and taking pictures as the parents frantically tried to keep the nestlings fed. “I’m WAITING …”

Baby House Wrens!

We’re home! Judy and I got home just last night from the Upper Peninsula. There are a lot of developments in the garden, almost all positive, which I’ll get to soon. However, we’ve spent much of today doting over the baby House Wrens in the yellow birdhouse right outside our back porch.