A Verdant Toronto Garden

Now seems like a good time to revisit the wonderful Toronto Garden Bloggers Fling, held in early June.

2015-06-06 07.57.06

One of the things I really like about all the Flings is that we get to visit private gardens of passionate gardeners, not just the famous public ones. For example, there was this garden in an affluent area north of downtown called Forest Hill.

2015-06-06 08.02.09

Remember, this is early June. Everything in this garden seemed so healthy and intensely green, it felt like there was chlorophyll in the very air.

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Wouldn’t this be a great place for coffee on a summer morning? I like how the hedge makes it semi-secluded, and how the circular patio is slightly raised. The shrub rose looks very happy, it is covered in blooms.

2015-06-06 07.58.16

Nice Clematis, too – I wonder if this is ‘Nelly Moser’.

2015-06-06 08.00.15

A closer look at the Clematis.

2015-06-06 08.05.28

This variegated Iris grabbed my attention. Nice, isn’t it? And I don’t usually like variegated plants.

2015-06-06 08.04.51

I’m not sure if everyone was as jealous of the greenhouse as I was, but there were rumors of plans to disassemble it and carry it off with us. Nothing came of it, partly because there could be no agreement on who would get to take it home.

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Inside the greenhouse, vegetables, herbs, and tender plants are grown from seed.

2015-06-06 08.04.32

Tomatoes had just been set out in a sunny spot.

2015-06-06 08.06.03

This Peony is a fine partner for the Wild Indigo (Baptisia australis).

2015-06-06 08.07.40

Love these Lupines. I don’t grow them because I believe my soil is far too alkaline.

2015-06-06 08.09.16

There was a very fine Kentucky Coffee Tree (Gymnocladus dioicus) still in flower. At least, I think that’s what this was.2015-06-06 08.07.02

Eventually we had to tear ourselves away and walk to another Forest Hill garden. I’ll hold that one for another post, however.

43 Comments on “A Verdant Toronto Garden”

  1. Beautiful garden. I’ve grown beautiful Nelly Moser and the petals are very similar in shape but I suspect the clematis is not a Nelly Moser because it typically has deeper pink petals with purple “veining” unless it is in full sun all day, then it may have faded.

  2. Lovely garden, everything looks so green and cool. The greenhouse is great, I’d love that one! I’ve just been looking at some country gardens here, and they look quite chaotic in comparison, but that is the joy of looking at gardens and having a garden

  3. What a well-tended garden and incredibly tidy, organised greenhouse. I imagine there was a lot of hard work preceding your visit. I love the first shot of the gorgeous-looking house (interesting roof) with outside seating space and lush planting nestled around it. Lovely.

  4. Lovely garden, and I do like that greenhouse too. The tomato bed looked promising. You are so lucky to be able to visit private gardens. A similar “open day” (yes, just one day!) has recently started in Germany, but sadly there is very little interest and few gardens worth visiting… and none near us anyway! So thanks for sharing. Always nice to see other ideas.

  5. Great that you left this post for this time of the year – it’s so refreshing to see all those summer blooms. We used to live in Toronto and visit a few times each year. I’ll have to seek out Forest Hill and take a meander. Funny thing? I love variegated plants, and yes those irises are most unusual.

  6. It’s soothing to see a garden in June just now. Even though I enjoy fall, there is something so peaceful feeling about that spring green. I wonder if people who live in climates where the seasons aren’t so distinct feel that way? I also love that raised patio –I like the idea of being surrounded by flowers, but raised up a bit out of the bugs 🙂

    I have a patch of that variegated iris, I believe. Iris is easy to share, if you ever find you need some.

  7. What a great garden. Lots of lovely plants, I love that yellow peony. And the greenhouse, I would love a really smart one instead of my 2 tatty ones. My wooden one is so rotten, it is held together by a few rusty nails and sheer willpower.

  8. I’m with you, I could happily sit there enjoying a coffee on a sunny morning!
    A lovely greenhouse, I can imagine you wanting to carry it off, I wouldn’t be without mine….they are also lovely and warm to sit in on a cold bleak day..
    I love the lupins, mine are always covered in greenfly…but the blooms are unaffected.
    Oh…a coffee tree, well that’s a first for me!xxx

  9. Hi, Jason. I’m glad you enjoyed this garden. If spring had been a tad warmer, you might have had more flowery stuff to see. By the way, coincidentally there is a Kentucky coffee tree on that site (I believe the ground, roasted beans were thought to make a vague approximation of coffee for the very desperate), but the tree you show is the similarly “epitheted” American yellowwood (Cladrastis kentuckea). A beautiful tree.

  10. Hello Jason, I just love the Clematis, it’s not fair that in all the (few) years that I’ve been gardening, I’ve never had a clematis that looked that good. I really like the first picture of the house and the border at the front. Somehow, they go really well together and make a really picturesque scene.

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