Tulips on Parade!

We are now right in the middle of tulip season. So many varieties to show you! Where to begin?

Tulipa clusiana, showing the outer pentals. Such thin, delicate stems.
Tulipa clusiana, showing the outer pentals. Such thin, delicate stems.

Perhaps with the shy but charming Tulipa clusiana, also called Lady Tulip. I have two varieties of Lady Tulip, ‘Tubergen’s Gem’ and ‘Chrysantha’, and damned if I can tell them apart. They’re both really nice, though!

Tulipa clusiana, opening wide.
Tulipa clusiana, opening wide.

One thing about these varieties of T. clusiana is that their outer petals are a soft red, but inside they are bright yellow. They close up in colder weather or as the sun sets, and open wide in the warm sunshine.

'Golden Parade' tulips with Celandine Poppy.
‘Golden Parade’ tulips with Celandine Poppy.

Generally I plant hybrid tulips in containers and species tulips in beds and borders. However, years ago I planted some Darwin Hybrid tulips into mixed borders. Darwins are relatively long-lived, and they still show off big blooms around the end of April. For instance, here are some ‘Golden Parade’ blooming with Celandine Poppies (Stylophorum diphyllum).

aklsdf with Tulipa dasystemon
‘Holland’s Glory’ and Banja Luka’ with Tulipa dasystemon

And here are some ‘Holland’s Glory’ (red-orange) and ‘Banja Luka’ Darwins looming over the Tulipa dasystemon in a raised parkway bed.

'Red Impression' with even more Tulipa dasystemon.
‘Red Impression’ with even more Tulipa dasystemon.

This one, I think, is ‘Red Impression’.

Tulip 'Ballerina'
Tulip ‘Ballerina’

‘Balerina’ is an orange lily-flowering tulip. Planted in containers last fall, it’s not supposed to bloom until May, but it decided to have an early start.

Tulip 'Princess Irene'
Tulip ‘Princess Irene’

You don’t see people mixing purple and orange very much but ‘Princess Irene’ carries it off.

A look inside 'Princess Irene'.
A look inside ‘Princess Irene’.

Irene also has startling purple anthers.

Tulip 'Annie Schilder'
Tulip ‘Annie Schilder’

This year we kind of went in for orange tulips in a big way. This is ‘Annie Schilder’.

Tulip 'Couleur Cardinal'
Tulip ‘Couleur Cardinal’

‘Couleur Cardinal’ is one of my absolute favorites, we have to plant some every year.

Tulip 'Blushing Lady'
Tulip ‘Elegant Lady’

On the other hand, I don’t think I would order ‘Elegant Lady’ again.

The Tulip parade, with 'Keizerskroon' bringing up the front.
The Tulip parade, with ‘Keizerskroon’ bringing up the front.

We are by no means done with the Tulip parade!

Another view of the Tulip parade.
Another view of the Tulip parade.

Some of the Tulips will keep marching for a couple of weeks yet, others have yet to begin. It is an exciting and joyous spectacle while it lasts.

58 Comments on “Tulips on Parade!”

  1. That’s a lovely welcome home with them all standing waiting for you! I really like Princess Irene and mine have lasted really well. Those golden yellow T. clusiana are great – lovely strong colour. And the little T. dasystemon are pretty too. Enjoy the rest of the season!

  2. What a great entrance! I am loving the orange tone tulips this year, but I am definitely adding your Couleur Cardinal to my list for next year. That bruised purple outside transforms the red. I have T. clusiana in small pots around my door. They are fantastic, because they last so long and look so delicate.

  3. I grow Ballerina too Jason and love the colour, Couleur Cardinal is very striking and quite beautiful, I’d like to grow her. Elegant lady is a wonderful colour but her stems do not seem to be very behaved, is that why you are not growing her again?

  4. All of these are spectacular, and what a gorgeous assortment of pots lining the path. I’ve just planted a few tulips myself in the better drained areas of the garden – hopefully I will get a great display like yours! The orange shades are really punchy and make a great statement …I really like the way you have mixed them all together đŸ™‚

  5. ‘Couleur Cardinal’ has got to be one of my favourites too. I loved seeing your little lady tulip at the beginning of the post. I would like to try and add it for next year. What an amazing entrance you have when the tulips are flowering. Looking forward to the next instalment Jason!

  6. I like Princess Irene very much, and I think I still have one!! left. Must buy some more this autumn. It is a joy to watch the tulips beginning their show. I think orange and purple look stunning together.

  7. What a gorgeous array of tulips! I love ‘Coleur Cardinal’–this one is going on my wish list! ‘Princess Irene’ is one I also have, and I love it also for its sentimental value, since that is my mother’s name. I’m so impressed by all your tulips in containers–once again, my attempt at planting them in a container was a dismal failure.

  8. Oh, I must borrow your idea for potting the Tulips! That would make it much more difficult for rabbits to get to them! It worked with my Hyacinths (in pots) this year, but I brought them inside before I left for Florida, so the hubby got to witness the magic in my absence. I was happy to see that they all survived in the garage, however, so I’ll try that again (along with some Tulips) next fall. Your pots along the walkway look glorious!

  9. WOW! That is a parade:-) I just put in Princes Irene last fall + she is a stunner-hope mine fills in like yours. I want more tulips in 2016 for now my garden beds will stay:-) The past few years, I lost some due to my moving beds or squirrels may have taken them. Your tulip parade is a stunner:-)

  10. I love them all. It is dangerous reading other people’ s tulip blog, it makes my list ever longer. I grew Ballerina for the first time this year and they turned out more red than orange. Still lovely though. Many of your favourits s are mine too.

  11. Yay! It’s the return of the tulips! I look forward to seeing pictures of your tulips each year. This year’s display looks fabulous, I can only imagine how wonderful it would be to be greeted by these pots of tulips upon leaving and coming home each day!

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