Here Are Some Lovely Peonies to Take Your Mind Off of Donald Trump

I feel that right about now we all  need something calming and beautiful to look at. And back in early June there was a lot of beauty at the Oshawa Peony Garden outside Toronto.

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In fact, the Oshawa Peony Garden has about 300 varieties of peonies, like ‘Requiem’ above.


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‘Chocolate Soldier’

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‘America’ – I have this one in my own garden.

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‘Silver Dawn’

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‘Illini Warrior’ – are you paying attention, Rose?

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‘Pink Firefly’

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Like the poppies from The Wizard of Oz, the peonies of Oshawa lulled us into a sort of trance in which we took photographs rather than slept.

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This Peony Garden is part of the larger Oshawa Valley Botanical Garden, which features a stream where small children hunted for crayfish.

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There were also some truly enormous lilacs (Syringa vulgaris) in bloom, sweetening the air all around them.

There. Feel better?

79 Comments on “Here Are Some Lovely Peonies to Take Your Mind Off of Donald Trump”

  1. Your title had me laughing. Trump’s recent statement was on BBC radio 4 news this morning. Now, I’m British and find US politics confusing at the best of times but surely he is not a credible frontrunner is he?! The man’s a crackpot. Ooops – sorry! Back to your beautiful peonies. Ah, there. That’s better. They are sumptuous. 🙂

  2. Pingback: Lovely peonies from Oshawa Peony Garden | botanicalartstalk

  3. Love this post, and it couldn’t be more timely. They are all beautiful, but America jumped out at me – gorgeous. I think this political situation right now including the entire cast of characters is discouraging with Trump leaving us to shake our heads just a little more than the rest. I think the news heads should start talking about flowers and we might all be better for it. :-).

  4. Oh gosh yes — we need all the botanical help possible, because that man is just a horror show that seems to get worse every week. 😦 This latest is simply (or should be) beyond the pale. Kudos to the university in Scotland who today stripped him of the honorary degree they’d given him; now if only he would strip himself out of American politics!

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