Our Paperwhite Narcissus is Blooming!

And the timing was excellent. They bloomed just in time for Judy’s return from a week-long trip. She was worried they would already be faded by the time she was back.

Paperwhite Narcissus
Paperwhite Narcissus. Took this with my cell phone this morning.

Of course, she pointed out that I had failed to water the Narcissus as she had requested. They seem to  have survived my neglect just fine, but I apologized anyway.

I am just not an indoor plant person. It may appear that I obsess over every plant in our garden. I can hear these outdoor plants calling out – water me! deadhead me! Indoor plants must speak in a frequency that my ears cannot recognize.

Though it must be said that Paperwhites are very cheering during these dreary days of January. We also have an Amaryllis that just refuses to do much of anything. We planted it at the same time as the Narcissus but it barely shows any growth. I wonder if something is wrong with the bulb.

Are you growing Paperwhites this winter?

39 Comments on “Our Paperwhite Narcissus is Blooming!”

  1. Sorry Jason but find the scent overpowering in my 164 square foot nursing home room. Am trying forcing my first round of five hyacinths in my favorite cobalt blue forcing vases with plans to distribute around the public spaces but always have found PWs a little heady. Growing up in Sydney, the fragrance I adored was the white and pink flowered jasmine but am no longer the high-powered GE exec who could afford those from WFF. So now must just ogle their images. Have you had the pleasure of experiencing them in full bloom, my learned friend?

  2. I am also not an indoor plant person, but I do always have an amaryllis in the winter… this year’s had 9 blooms on it and I just cut the last one to stop the plant from toppling over! The paperwhites are really pretty and I would love to try them, but don’t they have a rather strong scent?

  3. the one time i bought a paperwhite bulb it was INFESTED with mites that took off all over the counter when i opened it. turned me off COMPLETELY!!
    Amaryllis can be tricky. i’ve had great luck with some and shit luck with others, namely the one staring back at me know that only sent its bloomspike halfway up and ground to an unopened halt!

  4. Is this a personality type? I’m also an outdoor plant person, the ones indoors run all kinds of risks with drought and neglect that just seem to kill more than would seem possible.
    The paperwhites look great, but they’re something I never plant…. maybe it’s the disposable part that puts me off. Amaryllis I do like. Give yours some more time and it should wake up soon. The dutch ones usually don’t bloom until late winter.

  5. I must say I’m an outdoor and indoor plant person. In the winter I focus on my indoor plants and I’m always trying to winter over some things from the garden that are not hardy in my zone but were too beautiful to let the frost nab. Right now I have a bougainvillea and coleus in my sunny room and then a variety of indoor plants that stay inside most of the year. For the winter season I always have amaryllis but must say although I like paper whites the smell is too strong for me too. They are pretty tho!

  6. I had to give up indoor plants when I got birds, they demolished them. I used to have somewhat of an indoor jungle, but now I can’t even imagine it. The narcissus is quite lovely, and very cheery. I do grow sprouts every week for the birds and it’s always nice to see them poking up their green little heads ( 🙂 ). And I have a couple plants at work that seem to thrive on a little water and neglect…

  7. I used to grow a lot of paperwhites. I’d start a new batch every 2 or 3 weeks so they’d bloom a little longer. It’s surprising how many people absolutely hate paperwhites because of what they call their “overwhelming fragrance.” It can be a little intense in a small room, but I always liked it.
    Amaryllis prefer warm and sunny and paperwhites cool and sunny, so if you have them side by side and the paperwhites are doing well that could be a problem for the amaryllis.

  8. Such spirit-lifting blossoms in mid winter. My first batch came & went, just started the second group. I do have some forced hyacinth bulbs blooming at the moment. Another sweet garden fragrance for the winter home. Have you tried them? You have to chill the bulbs in the fridge for 8 weeks or so before forcing, but worth the effort.

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